Nate left off with the team about to carry up to camp 2.
May 28-Instead of making two carries to camp 2 as we did to camp 1 we did a single carry to give us another summit day. We ended up building camp 2 at 13,800′ which is a little lower then the plateau to stay out of the wind.
May 29-Rest day. Beautiful weather.
May 30-On our first summit attempt we got turned around at 16,200′ by wind and low visibility. Sadly the weather was pretty good everywhere other then the top of the mountain.
May 31- Planned day for second attempt at the summit but the weather didn’t play out as we needed it to so we sat in camp and rested up for a window.
June 1-Second summit attempt. Weather was great out of camp but we were again turned around with zero visibility and had to rely on compasses and GPS at times to return to camp safely.
After our second attempt we descended back to base camp arriving around 7pm
June 2-The team was flown out by the famous Paul Claus.
All in all it was a great trip with a really fun group of guys in an amazing range.